Tuesday, December 23, 2008
The Fight
The fighter, cusser-outer
Would fight for us
Just a little bit
Show that scrappiness
That she so often flaunted
Defending this Love of ours
Instead, acquiescence
To a perceived defeat
A perceived denial
She didn't
And now I play the foil
Feel the jabs over the distance
Put on the front for my friends
But in my heart
I'd rather be still living
In your Love's light
Than here alone
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Childhood memories of men and women
Loud like my ancestors who talk to my soul
Deep like the pain that lingers in the silence
Laughter leaves behind.
After full meals of shameful indulgence
Reward for weeks of starving employment,
With friends and family, these are sounds that warm me.
The sound of feet, chairs and tables dragging across the floor
Isolating the square where the laughter is amplified a spiritfold.
The shtttttthp, tap, tap of the shuffling cards of this ancient game.
The clink clink of ice in glasses
Ceremonially freed from their isolation on the top shelf.
The magical appearance of the amber bottle of regal appearance.
Silence as each glass is poured, a quiet prayer of thanks to the Gods of survival.
Then, when first glass touches the lips and the first card hits the table,
I know I can walk away, because the laughter begins
And I can hear it throughout the house.
Throughout my life.
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Passion glows in your radiant smile
A smile for me and only me
That the whole world can see.
Walking hand in hand
Even our silence folks understand
How amazing it is
To be Loving you-
And that you’re Loving me too.
Every time I’m close to you,
The magic of what we share
Intertwines and rises to the heavens
Becoming twinkling stars we sit under
Like our very first night
When I realized that I could see
Forever in your brown eyes
Live forever with a kiss from you lips
And Love forever in the ecstasy of your embrace.
Our life together, not being a fairy tale,
Has its travails and tests our mettle.
With Love’s reinforcement like steel,
We’ll survive any hardship with a simple touch
To reaffirm our co-existence
That is celebrated with every breathe that we breathe
And every day that passes.
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
I was unaware I was lifeless
As I floated in the deep currents
No response to the rhythms around me
Unblinking, no flinching
As lightening strikes and thunder rolls
Sitting in acquiescence
As the trains leave the station
Non-judgmental of sinners
Desireless in carnal surroundings
Stationary like a rock on a gin mill
Unapologetic as stale drool on old sheets
Dust bunny
Isolated and huddled in a dark corner
Unconscious as a boxer's eyes
Before his body even hits the canvas
I was still
Quiet and Cold
Then a stranger came along
Gathered me together
Pressed their lips gently to mine
I was resuscitated
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Do I Ever Cross Your Mind
I think of you when
The sun shines of course
But also when old acquaintances ask
With a glimmer in their eyes
Am I single?
And I laugh and say,
Yes, but not on purpose.
I don’t hide the pain well
So they leave it at that.
I think of you when I drive around town.
Places we went together.
Places we should go together.
Spaces we shared.
Songs on the radio,
And how you used to always sing
With your voice and hands
And your laughter when you got the lyrics wrong.
Or was that me?
Dancing together, way back when.
The CD I played when I massaged
Your back by candlelight.
The one I sang
I’m just trying to be somebody
You can love trust and understand.
I know, I know, I know, that I can be
A part of you that no one else can see,
But I’ve got to hear you say,
I’ve got to hear you say
its alright...”)
You called me a seducer,
But I was just showing my love.
I think of you when I don’t eat meat.
And when I exercise,
How you used to tease my little paunch,
And how I worked out all summer
While you were away, and it stayed.
And speaking of summers, I remember the one
When I tried to be there for you
Even though my feelings were hurt
By your condition.
Spending late nights nude
Sweating, hardly penetrating
But conversating.
I think of you at libraries
The night when I first knew
That you had a feeling for me.
And our first kiss, the surprise
At how erotic such a kiss could be.
And on clear nights,
With star filled skies,
We were there sitting in the field
Chilled by the night air
Warmed by each other
Pondering the possibilities
Beyond that moment.
And rainy days, when I sat
Lazy-Boyed and sunroomed
Jim Bean and ice
Gentle sounds of Coltrane, Miles, or Maxwell
Getz, Monk, Sade, or Mingus.
Trying to soothe away the pain
Of even having to ask
Do I ever cross your mind?
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Stevie Wonder
Top Five Stevie Wonder Songs
Another Star
I Was Made to Love Her
You and I
As If You Read My Mind
(Honorable Mention: As, Higher Ground, Superwoman, Too High, Love Having You Around, Don't You Worry About a Thing, All I Do, Higher Ground, Rocket Love, Lately- I'm sure there are plenty more.)
Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Dreaming of Travel
Friday, May 30, 2008
Monday, May 19, 2008

Hopefully someone enjoyed the effort.
Friday, May 9, 2008
Maybe this is haunting hour
But it always seems
Around midnight
When I wonder
How come you won’t love me.
How come I can’t love you.
Maybe the jazz riffs bring pleasure to mind
Maybe because I’m alone one more time
But you come creeping
Close like a shadow
Slow like my buzz
Mystical like a bass solo,
But here you are
Ever so oblique like a Coltrane tune
And now that you’re here,
Unlike jazz,
Where there is appreciation in chaos,
I cannot appreciate pain.
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Barren Tree
Thursday, May 1, 2008
First up, Books:
The Prophet by Kahlil Gibran
High Fidelity by Nick Hornby
By the River Piedra I Sat Down and Wept by Paulo Coehlo
White Boy Shuffle by Paul Beatty
Women by Charles Bukowski
Books are always a challenge. Any list really. It's a constantly evolving list. Had I tried to ponder this yesterday, I would have come up with something completely different. Ask me in few days and these may migrate. Maybe. This list has been pretty consistent for a spell, the Bukowski being the newest since I just read all I could of his stories, novel and poems this past year. Not recommended in large doses...
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Una Poema
Alone on the Red Line
Someone catch the child
As he stumbles and falters
In the body of the train that
Rocks and bucks with no regard
To a child’s survival.
The train that stops at unknown places;
Places of knowledge, places of corruption
Is there someone there who can point out the window
In view of that child’s curiosity
Saying, “Child, this is not T.V.,
But the beauty and demise that is reality?”
Someone who can nudge a child
Gently sleeping in a peaceful slumber
That only innocence of childhood allows
And whisper, “Dear Child, This is our stop.
We are home.”