Passion glows in your radiant smile
A smile for me and only me
That the whole world can see.
Walking hand in hand
Even our silence folks understand
How amazing it is
To be Loving you-
And that you’re Loving me too.
Every time I’m close to you,
The magic of what we share
Intertwines and rises to the heavens
Becoming twinkling stars we sit under
Like our very first night
When I realized that I could see
Forever in your brown eyes
Live forever with a kiss from you lips
And Love forever in the ecstasy of your embrace.
Our life together, not being a fairy tale,
Has its travails and tests our mettle.
With Love’s reinforcement like steel,
We’ll survive any hardship with a simple touch
To reaffirm our co-existence
That is celebrated with every breathe that we breathe
And every day that passes.
The Icon: Remembering DJ Funk
Nobody better captured the energy and fun of house music than DJ Funk.
1 day ago